This article provides an overview of editions and their basic description. It is also possible to view a comparison of functionalities (and prices) available in the editions in the article "Comparison of Product Editions”.


This edition is for personal use and is provided free of charge. (However, it requires registration and generation of a licence key.) It does not contain some functionalities, such as corporate “branding” pages or the rights to read a part of the model; however, it can be successfully used for private projects, presentation of one’s own work, for hobby developers or users for whom creating analytical models is entertainment. This licence is not for commercial use. Support is provided in the form of a helpdesk (without a guaranteed period for resolving problems) and through a user forum.

NP-EDU (Non-Profit Organisations and Schools)

This edition contains all available functionalities, has no restrictions and is provided free of charge. (However, it requires registration and generation of a licence key.) It is intended primarily for schools and non-profit organisations and is not primarily intended for commercial use; however, if a non-profit organisation or school operates commercial activities for its own funding, it may use this licence. Support is provided in the form of a helpdesk (without a guaranteed period for resolving problems) and through a user forum.

SBE (Small Business Edition – small organisations)

Commercial (paid) edition. It can be used for commercial purposes. Some functionalities are not available in this edition (customisation of the home page, reading rights, publishing module), and it has some other limitations (on the number of repositories). However, this is offset by a very low price. Support is provided via a helpdesk, phone and email. Troubleshooting is guaranteed (no limited period), and requests for new functionalities can be submitted. Installation support is also included.

MBE (Medium Business Edition - medium organisations)

Commercial (paid) edition. It can be used for commercial purposes. All functionalities are available in this edition (except for XML exchanges), and there is a limit to the number of repositories. (However, in our experience, their number with a reserve covers the needs of a typical customer in this category.) This edition is especially useful in cases where several analysts create models and many users, without EA, want to read, comment and possibly edit them.

Support is provided via a helpdesk, phone and email. Troubleshooting is guaranteed (no limited period), and requests for new functionalities can be submitted. Installation support is also included.

CORP (Corporate Edition)

The commercial (paid) edition with all available features and no limit to the number of repositories.

Support is provided via a helpdesk, phone and email. Troubleshooting is guaranteed (with a guaranteed start time for troubleshooting), and requests for new functionalities can be submitted. Installation support is also included.

This support can be supplemented by a support contract, including SLA settings and other parameters.

GOV (State administration except for schools)

The commercial (paid) edition with all available features and no limit to the number of repositories. This edition is identical in terms of functionality to the corporate edition and differs mainly in the discounted price. However, they are not state-owned or established organisations if their main role is to make profit.

Support is provided via a helpdesk, phone and email. Troubleshooting is guaranteed (with a guaranteed start time for troubleshooting), and requests for new functionalities can be submitted. Installation support is also included.

This support can be supplemented by a support contract, including SLA settings and other parameters.